A new Lift or Escalator installation is a major capital investment necessitating the requirement for thorough planning, research and design in order to ensure that it is not only both fit for the purpose it is intended but also continues to give reliable service for the maximum possible time and thus safeguard and maximise your initial investment.
New Lifts
Whether in a completely new build or in a re-purposed existing building,be it a completely new installation or the replacement of an existing one, there are numerous factors to consider from the outset such as:
Will the building occupancy be served adequately to accepted standards by the planned amount and type of lifts post-project?
Is a like for like replacement the most efficient way forward or is there another solution which may free up space in my building and or reduce costs and improve reliability?
Are the lifts being recommended to me :
Fit for the usage they are intended for?
Of sufficient quality and with a known spares supply chain?
Being installed to a price rather than a suitable specification?
Open protocol to ensure freedom of selection of maintenance contractor in future?
Compliant with current regulations and are any building or planning issues to consider or any deviations or additional permissions to be applied for?

We are able to assist you with all the above considerations. We keep ourselves up to date with technological developments as well as maintaining a list of 'approved' manufacturers and contractors who we assess and audit over several projects and installations in order to ensure that our recommendations are relevant and suitable for your particular application.
At ConsultaLift Ltd. we utilise our 38 years of industry experience to assist you and specialise in carrying out the following:
Feasibility studies and surveys
Project design services
Traffic studies and analysis Specifications for New Lifts/Escalators
Competitive Tendering, analysis and contractor selection
Project progress inspections and project management
Project acceptance inspections
Defects liability period inspections